Netflix Studios
Netflix Studios

Netflix Studios

Albuquerque Vault Company played a pivotal role in the expansion of Netflix Studios in Albuquerque, NM, a landmark project covering over 108 acres with a $2 billion commitment. Partnering with Franklins Earthmoving, Albuquerque Vault Company supplied essential precast infrastructure, including manholes, inlets, utility boxes, and traps, ensuring the project met both functional and sustainability requirements.

This collaboration showcased Albuquerque Vault Company's expertise in delivering precision-engineered precast solutions for large-scale commercial developments. By prioritizing quality, reliability, and timely execution, the team contributed significantly to the foundation of Netflix's expanding film production hub in New Mexico.

The success of this project sets the stage for future phases, and Albuquerque Vault looks forward to continuing its partnership with Franklins Earthmoving on upcoming developments.

Albuquerque, NM
108+ acres, $2 billion commitment by Netflix
Netflix Studios

Albuquerque Vault Company specializes in manufacturing high-quality concrete products. Contact us today for more information or to request a quote.

Top Quality Precast Concrete Product Manufacturer in Albuquerque, New Mexico

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